Echo the Humpback Whale

Her Story

echo the humpback whale
Echo’s fluke and fieldmark on the left side

Echo is easily identified by the eleven or twelve slashes on the lower left side of her fluke.  These slashes were caused by a killer whale attack.  They remind you of an echo on a radar screen.  She has at least six calves.

Mother:               Unknown First Sighting:   1988
Year Of Birth:   Unknown Last Seen:           2018

Echo‘s Family Tree

Calves Year of Birth Grandcalves
Monogram 1993
Beacon 1998
Unnamed 2001
Unnamed 2005
Unnamed 2008
Unnamed 2010 Calves in 2014 and 2016


New:  Echo on DVD reg $25.00 (Coming soon)

echo the humpback whale
The top of Echo’s fluke

On sale now $18.99

If you adopted Echo from any of the Adopt A Whale Programs in the US or UK, you can meet her!

A Real Whale Watch Trip – August 24, 2001

20 minutes with Echo and her small calf.  Both Echo and her calf became active and we saw them breaching and lobtailing.  Echo was flippering very near to people and her calf stood on his head!

A sample clip from the Echo DVD is coming soon

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