Owl the Humpback Whale
Her Story

Owl was born in 1986 to a whale named Falco. She was named for the two black dots on her fluke that reminds you of Owl’s eyes.

Owl is fond of approaching boats which might explain the huge scar on her back. It was caused by being struck by a boat.
Owl‘s History
Mother: Falco | First Sighting: 1986 |
Year Of Birth: 1986 | Last Seen: 2018 |
Owl‘s Family Tree
Calves | Year of Birth | Grandcalves |
Mesa | 1993 | |
Jib | 1998 | |
Unnamed | 2001 | |
Unnamed | 2003 | |
Unnamed | 2008 | |
Unnamed | 2010 | Calf in 2017 too |
Pictures of Owl and Calves

New: Owl on DVD reg $25.00
On sale now $18.99
If you adopted Owl from any of the Adopt A Whale Programs in the US or UK, you can meet her!
A Real Whale Watch Trip-September 10, 2001 ($18.99)
We left the pier and 40 minutes later sailed into the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. We were delighted when we spied a new mother and calf. It turned out to be Owl and her small calf. They are very actively flippering together and the calf is seen breaching.
A sample clip from the Owl DVD
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