Shark the Humpback Whale

Her Story

shark the humpback whale fluke
Shark’s fluke

Shark was first photographed in 1983 as a new calf of Apex.  Shark has nine known calves and her mother Apex has ten calves.

shark the humpback whale feeding
Shark feeds on small fish

Shark has been seen feeding with a wide open mouth on many occasions.

shark the humpback whale feeding
Shark feeding

We left the pier and 40 minutes later sailed into the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary.  We were delighted when we spied Shark and her new calf, Hale-Bopp.  Shark put on quite a show by blowing bubbles under fish and surfacing with her mouth wide open.

Shark’s History

Mother:               Apex First Sighting:   1983
Year Of Birth:   1983 Last Seen:           2014

Shark‘s Family Tree

Calves Year of Birth Grandcalves
Polliwog 1991
Leaf 1994
Hale Bopp 1996
Hammerhead 1998
Unnamed 2001
Unnamed 2004
Unnamed 2007
Unnamed 2009
Unnamed 2011


Coming Soon

New:  Shark on DVD reg $25.00

On sale now $18.99

If you adopted Shark from any of the Adopt A Whale Programs in the US or UK, you can meet her!

DVDs for Everyone

Awesome Whales For Kids will make you feel like you are on the boat enjoying all the scenes from 1000's of hours watching whales off the shores of Cape Cod. The bonus chapter on Colt singing is one of the rare ways to hear Colt the adopt a whale favorite singing right beside the boat.

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