Lots of people would help protect whales if they knew how. This page makes it easy to find a whale that you can connect with and care about.  We will protect what we love.  Find a whale here, learn about it, buy a DVD to see its amazing life in the oceans and meet some its family members. Eleven humpback whales can be adopted, click here for the adoption page.


If you are a great-grandmother, you might like to meet Salt or Olympia.

If you are a grandmother, you might like to meet Cardhu, Catspaw, Fringe, Mars, Midnight, Nile, Pepper or Tornado.

If you are a social person and enjoy people, then Colt, Ember, Icarus, Salt, Sirius and Sockeye interacting with people will make you smile.

Even whales have physical disabilities, Silver, Sockeye and Glo live normal whale lives.

Some whales have very unique feeding styles, Catspaw, Sockeye and Spoon developed different methods for trapping fish.

If you like to laugh, Colt and Mars splash and blow on people on boats.

If you like to be a little afraid that whales will hit the boat, watch Thread get really close.

If you want to see a whale do something unbelievable and unexplainable, watch Thorn blow perfect bubble rings.